The Hub is currently down for maintenance. Visit our service schedule page for more information.

The Local Contexts Hub received a major update on February 14, 2024 (UTC). The update introduces Label and Notice embedding, Label template translations, new registration options, and buttons on account cards, in addition to improved general functionality and bug fixes.

Highlights from this update include:

Labels and Notices attached to a Hub Project can now be displayed through embedding. The embed option is available through the Share button on a Project page.

Screenshot of the “Share Project” modal showing options to copy the Local Contexts Project ID, Local Contexts Project URL, or embed code. Dropdown fields display embed options showing icons only, English, left align.
Embed code now included as an option in “Share Project”

Using this sharing option, select from different embed options and copy the code. Add this code to a website to embed an iframe that will show any Labels or Notices attached to the Project with a link to the live Project page.

Screenshot of a Local Contexts Notice embedded on a webpage. “Traditional Knowledge. English. The (TK) Traditional Knowledge Notice is a visible notification that there are accompanying cultural rights and responsibilities that need further attention for any future sharing and use of this material. The TK Notice may indicate that TK Labels are in development and their implementation is being negotiated. Local Contexts Project: Local Contexts for Researchers (webinar).
Notices and Labels can now be embedded — see this example of a TK Notice live on our website

Note that embeds will go offline if the Hub goes into maintenance mode. For more information on when Hub updates occur, visit our Hub Service Schedule page. EDIT: After an update in March 2024, Maintenance mode will no longer block the embeds from working.

Label templates  in English, French, Spanish, and Māori is now built into the Hub. Select one of these languages from the Label Language dropdown and the title and template text will automatically be loaded in the text boxes.

Gif showing the Label title and text changing to Māori, French, and Spanish when those languages are selected from the Label Language dropdown.
During customization, the Label’s name and text changes to Māori, French, and Spanish template texts when selected

The template title and text can be used as-is or can be edited. The French, Spanish, and Māori template text was previously only available on our website. Labels can be written in other languages, but template translations are not yet available.

Add community boundary

In working towards our goal of supporting a mapping option to connect communities with their belongings and data, the first stage of this feature has been added to the registration process for community accounts. During the community account creation process, you can search the Native Land Digital database or upload a shapefile to identify your community boundaries.

Screenshot of the add community boundary page in community account registration. Two options are shown, search the Native Land Digital database or upload a shapefile.
Add your community boundary by searching Native Land Digital or uploading a shapefile

We are using the term “community boundary” to represent the spatial areas which the community has relationships with and/or responsibilities for. This could represent legal territorial boundaries or traditional areas of interest, areas where you would be interested in Projects.

Existing community accounts should email if you are interested in adding your community boundaries.

Google Authentication

You can now sign-up for the Hub using a Google account. If you had previously signed up using a password, you have the option to link your Google account in your profile settings. You can also later unlink your Google account and use a password in your profile settings.

New buttons have been added to account cards on your dashboard profile page for improved visibility and navigation.

Screenshot showing the Local Context account card with buttons for view account, notifications, and settings.
Easily access account notifications and settings from your dashboard

The bell button will be solid orange if you have any notifications in that account. Clicking on this button will show you the account’s notifications. Account creators will also have a gear button to access the account’s settings. Previously, notifications and settings were only visible once you were viewing the account.

The Hub receives regular updates, and the Local Contexts team appreciates your questions and feedback as we continue to develop the Hub into a useful tool. Please get in touch with us by emailing

The Local Contexts Hub is a web portal that allows Indigenous communities to customize the Local Contexts Traditional Knowledge and Biocultural Labels, and institutions and researchers to generate Local Contexts Notices. For more about Local Contexts and the Hub, visit our Blog or Changelog.