ATALM 2023

The Local Contexts team will be attending and presenting at the 2023 International Conference of Indigenous Archives, Libraries, and Museums (ATALM 2023), held in Oklahoma City, OK.
On Tuesday, October 24, the team will hold a full-day pre-conference workshop, “Tools and Strategies to Support Indigenous Intellectual Property.” This hands-on workshop focuses on identifying and finding solutions to copyright issues within collections, establishing decision making and governance around Indigenous intellectual property within community contexts, and managing cultural material in digital contexts.
On Wednesday, October 25, at 11 am, the team and community representatives will present a session, “TK Labels: Supporting Indigenous Provenance, Protocols, and Permissions.” This session will explore issues related to Indigenous data sovereignty through the lens of restorative measures being used in communities around the world with the Local Contexts system of digital tags.
At 12 pm on Wednesday, our Co-founder, Council Vice Chair, and Strategic Advisor Jane Anderson will be recognized at the Guardians of Culture Award Luncheon as a 2023 Guardian Awardee, receiving the Honored One Award. This Award recognizes individuals whose contributions have significantly benefited the preservation of indigenous cultural heritage and supported the work of tribal archives, libraries, and museums.
We are excited to share that on Thursday, October 26, at 5 pm, during the Closing Ceremony, “Going Home: A Time of Reflection and Restoration,” ATALM will be screening our film with the Penobscot Nation “Awasəwehlαwə́lətinα wikəwαmok – They Returned Home.” Filmmakers and Penobscot Nation Citizens will join Richard West, chair of ATALM’s Going Home Fund, to introduce this work.
Find out more on the ATALM website.