Important Changes
- Updated the “request to join” functionality so that it is consistent across the site.
- Added record of activity around a Project.
- Projects can now be archived by each account, archived projects are excluded from the ‘Sort by’ links in Projects and they can also be unarchived.
- Added Project deletion functionality for Projects with no Labels.
- Share button auto copies the Project link to the clipboard, appears only on public projects, and lets you know that the project link is copied.
- On the Project Overview cards, functionality set up for the ellipsis menu.
- Notify communities is now a modal and communities are filtered out by: in alphabetical order, approved communities only that are not the creator of the project and do not appear when they have already been notified / already has a status associated with it.
Other Changes
- Content update on the edit Project page.
- Project actions page: made sections collapsible.
- Open to Collaborate links can now be deleted by researchers and admins/editors of an institution
- Open to Collaborate add a link process now disallows duplicate links.
- API Guide added to API Documentation in GitHub.
- External Project links now open in a new page.
- Added affiliations to Project messages.
- Page optimizations to make sure the page is not slow to load.
Bug Fixes
- Notify communities popup was not showing for researchers.
- Researchers notifying communities was redirecting to the projects overview page instead of project actions.
- Fixed the way Notices were being added/removed on Project edit.
- Disabled submit button during the registration process to prevent registration from being submitted twice.
- Fixed search bar for researchers in the registry.
- Project URLs for Connections were not working properly with pagination, they now redirect to the Project actions page.
- Projects that had Labels applied to them could still get Notices applied on edit which was making a mix of Notices and Labels appear around the Hub and in API.
- Updated the Registration process to make sure the same email is not used twice.
- Fixed a 500 error in the project view for an unauthenticated user in the researcher project actions page.
- Fixed a 500 error happening in project view for projects that do not exist — will now redirect to 404 instead.
- Adjusted tooltips on the action page so they don’t push the page to the right.
- Making sure the right researcher can look at the right project action page (permissions).