The Local Contexts Hub is a web portal that allows Indigenous communities to customize the Local Contexts Traditional Knowledge and Biocultural Labels, and institutions and researchers to generate Local Contexts Notices.
The Local Contexts team appreciates user questions and feedback as we continue to develop the Hub into a useful tool! Please get in touch with us by emailing
February 2025
Major Update
On February 10, 2025 (US Pacific Time), the Local Contexts Hub had a major update. If you encounter any issues, please let us know at
Important Changes
- Added functionality for Hub Agreements (blog post coming soon!).
- Agreement form added to inquire about Hub Agreements for non-Hub users or Hub users that are unsure which account to create or want to know more about the agreements before creating an account.
- Limited functionality for unsubscribed (Institution and Researcher), non-member (Community), and un-certified (Integration Partner) accounts. See our Hub Agreements page for more information.
- Institution and Researcher accounts can view their subscription information via their account settings.
- Integration Partner account added to account creation.
- Institution, Researcher, and Community accounts can connect to certified Integration Partner accounts via their account settings.
- Integration Partner connections will appear on the Integration Partner’s Registry page.
- Integration Partners have the option to turn off display of their connections on the Registry page. All accounts connected to integration partners can turn off their account showing in the integration partner’s connections section of the Registry page. These settings can be adjusted via account settings.
- Certified Integration Partner accounts can download the certified logo from their account settings for use on their platforms.
- API Updates:
- v2 of the API now available. v1 of the API will remain active for Projects created prior to January 13, 2025 UTC. Any Projects created after this date need to be called from v2.
- Added OpenAPI documentation of v2 of the API.
- API keys required for v2. Keys can be generated and managed via all account settings.
- Updated calls to include more fields (particularly in the Project Details call).
- In v1 of the API, added DOI and GUID to the search parameters and Project Details call.
- New Label view page and Notice view page added to view a Label or Notice by unique ID, the text of that Label or Notice and any public Projects it is connected to.
Other Changes
- UI Updates:
- Various UI and content updates across the site.
- Standardized UI across account dashcards.
- Updated UI for Label/Notice, Project, Connections, and Member counts on account dashcard.
- Subscribed and Member accounts will receive a checkmark next to their account names. Certified Integration Partners will receive a Local Contexts Integration Partner logo on their account image.
- Added field for accounts to add a website via account settings. Website links will appear in the account’s Registry page.
- Updated the Registry filter.
- Updated cards to show when no results are found for various pages.
- Added an indicator for Sub-Projects and Related Projects to be distinguishable in the Projects Board.
- Updated the Project View page to include Label or Notice icons at the top of the page.
- Updated the add Project contacts process to match the add Project contributors process.
- “Communities Notified” section in the Project View page will be hidden if no communities were notified.
- Researcher account creation process updates:
- Skip preparation step and account form if a Researcher account is already connected to that user profile.
- Added fields to the Researcher account creation form for Affiliation and Research type.
- Added the option to mark all notifications as read for all accounts and user profiles.
- Added “Forgot username?” option to the login page.
- Added
Award ID
field to the create/edit Project form.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where some Projects were not showing in the Connections tab for accounts even if the account was added as a contributor to that Project.
- Fixed issue where removing a boundary from a Project did not remove the boundary.
- Fixed an issue where certain boundaries from NLD were raising an error.
- Fixed a bug where the
Request to Join
andContact Us
modal’s message box was able to expand past the modal box boundary. - Fixed a bug where Label and Notice icons on the
Apply Labels
page covered text on the page. - Fixed a bug where, after editing a Project, the Project’s visibility is changed from
toContributor View
when no other contributor is added to the Project. - Added username length validation to require at least 5 characters for a username.
October 2024 Updates
Other Changes
- Added capitalization validation on Institution account creation.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where editing a Project with a Non-Hub user contributor is added, does not show on the View Project page, and cannot be deleted.
- Fixed bug where removing certain Notices from Projects caused an error.
- Fixed bug where a Label could not be saved when adding an instance of Label translation.
September 2024 Updates
Important Changes
- Updated user profile Deactivation process to ensure that any accounts or Projects associated with a profile are accounted for and not deleted if being utilized by others.
- Main Admin (creator) of an account must reach out to support to deactivate their profile.
- Any user that has created a Project in any account must reach out to support to deactivate their profile.
- Any user that has not created any Project may deactivate their profile. They will be removed from any accounts they are members of.
Other Changes
- When user goes to deactivate their profile, they will see all accounts they are a part of.
- UI updates for `i` tooltip indicators.
- UI updates for adding a boundary. Added the option to edit a shapefile name when added as a boundary.
August 2024 Updates
Important Changes
- Shape files and Native Land boundaries can now be added to Projects on Project create or edit.
- Clicking on a customized Label now takes the user to the ‘View Label’ page instead of opening a preview card. All Label related actions can now be done through this page.
- Success/Error/Info messages for the user now appear as temporary toasts on the bottom right-hand side of the screen to indicate to the user that an action was successful or unsuccessful and provide informational messages when something happens.
Other Changes
- The Label status
Waiting for Approval
andReview for Approval
on the ‘View Label’ page has been made more prominent. - Registry now shows 20 accounts per page instead of 5.
- Project View Pages now have header anchors for the Project Notice or Project Labels sections. Using #notices or #labels at the end of a Project Page link will like to the respective section based on what is applied to that Project. Ex:
- Account settings also now have a character counter for account descriptions.
- Added website field to account creation forms for all account types.
- Disabled maintenance mode on newsletter subscription pages — when hub is in maintenance mode, users will still be able to subscribe and unsubscribe from the newsletter.
- General UI updates on View Label page and Approve Label page.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed closure of the institution “Request to join” modal in the registry. The X button and clicking off of the modal will now close it.
- Fixed bug where a Custom Institution could be created even if there was an institution with that same name. Capitalization validation added.
- Fixed bug where Researcher’s location was blank even if a location was added for Connections pages.
- Fixed issue where users were unable to add translations to Labels on customization.
- Fixed bug where empty, non-hub contributors were being added to Projects that were not removable.
- Fixed Account and Project creation forms that showed empty error boxes with no messages.
- Fixed issue where a later version of a Label was not displaying properly.
- Fixed bug where character count for Account descriptions were showing an error if over 200 characters.
June 2024 Updates
Important Changes
- Community Boundary map added to account’s Registry page if added in settings.
- Preparation and Account creation for all accounts have been updated to include information on the upcoming Memberships, Subscribers, and Service Providers.
Other Changes
- Added a Hub and email notification for Communities who have been notified of a Project if the Project is edited.
- Misc email content updates for new Institution and Researcher accounts.
- Misc Open to Collaborate embed UI updates.
- Customized Label page now requires Label text to be added before saving the Label.
- Option added to Boundary settings to allow Communities to indicate if they would like their Boundary shown on their Registry page or not.
- UI updates to account cards on Connections pages.
- UI update to Project View page Copy Buttons for Contributor view.
- API Documentation link updated on API Overview.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where the settings button was not showing for Community admin users under the Boundary settings page.
- Going to a View Label page for a Label that has been deleted now shows a 404 error instead of 500.
- Going to a Researcher page that is not associated with a user’s account now shows a 404 instead of 500.
- Fixed bug where help text tooltips were not under the button it was referencing and was transparent.
- Fixed bug where Projects on the Project Board were being duplicated if they had more than one Label attached.
- Fixed bug where the Proposed Responsibility was not showing for the Administrator member invite role.
- Fixed bug where editing a Project with a Project Person added removes them from the list of Project People.
March 2024 Updates
Important Changes
- The option to embed an Open to Collaborate Notice has been added to Institution and Researcher accounts.
Other Changes
- Added functionality for user to confirm email change within the user’s settings. Email sent to new email to confirm the change and another sent to the previous email to indicate there was a change.
- Disclaimer message added to Project Public View pages for unconfirmed accounts to warn the user that the Public View for their Projects will not be visible by external users until their account is confirmed.
- Link to Profile added to Select Account page.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where Projects were not saving properly if a Project Person was added by name only or email only.
February 2024 Updates
Major Update
On February 14, 2024 (US Pacific Time), the Local Contexts Hub received a few new features: Label and Notice embedding, Label template translations, new registration options, and buttons on account cards, in addition to improved general functionality and bug fixes. Read the latest post on the changes here. If you encounter any issues, please let us know at
Important Changes
- The option to embed a project’s Labels and Notices has been added to the Share modal.
- Template text now prefills in the Label text field during the Label customization process for English, Spanish, French and Māori.
- During the registration process, communities can now use the Native Land Digital database or upload a shapefile to define their community boundary.
- Users can register using their Google account or link their current account with their Google account in profile settings.
Other Changes
- Buttons have been added to account cards on the dashboard for quick access to that account’s notifications and settings.
- General UI updates for hyperlinks.
- Users can now only register with unique usernames – previously not case-sensitive.
- Confirmation contact name and email removed from Institution and Community account settings.
- Alt text added for all Notice and Label icons.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed UI for audio files that are added to Label customizations.
- Fixed issue with “Forgot Password” email not sending.
- Updated Profile Settings to prevent user from saving without an email provided.
- Unverified users trying to login now have the “Verify” email resent – previously not able to login.
- Users who deactivated their accounts cannot login, error message shows to contact support for help.
- Fixed bug where multiple communities could not be notified of a Project at once.
- UI fix where long URLs added to Projects were coming off the page.
- Fixed bug where public Project View page links were visible although the account that created the project was unconfirmed.
January 2024 Updates
Major Update
On January 17, 2024 (US Pacific Time), the Local Contexts Hub will have scheduled service that could put it into maintenance mode for an extended time. Read the latest post on the update here. If you encounter any issues, please let us know at
Important Changes
- Added validation for accounts where, if a project has not been created, the account landing page is Notices or Labels. If a project has been created, the account landing page is Projects.
- Added a disclaimer for Safari and Internet Explorer browsers.
- Moved the Invite User workflow from a separate page into a modal.
- If user goes to a page that requires login, once logged in, user is redirected to the original page they were going to instead of being directed to the dashboard.
Other Changes
- UI updates to newsletter subscription page and pagination.
- Collections Care Notices content updates.
- Added option to search Project in the Projects Board by description.
- In the Projects Board, added a link to the Project creator’s Public page from the project.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug with the reCAPTCHA not working properly.
- Fixed bug where users were not getting invite emails.
December 2023 Updates
Major Update
On January 17, 2024 (US Pacific Time), the Local Contexts Hub will have scheduled service that could put it into maintenance mode for an extended time. Read the latest post on the update here. If you encounter any issues, please let us know at