Major Update
On January 17, 2024 (US Pacific Time), the Local Contexts Hub will have scheduled service that could put it into maintenance mode for an extended time. Read the latest post on the update here. If you encounter any issues, please let us know at
Important Changes
- Added validation for accounts where, if a project has not been created, the account landing page is Notices or Labels. If a project has been created, the account landing page is Projects.
- Added a disclaimer for Safari and Internet Explorer browsers.
- Moved the Invite User workflow from a separate page into a modal.
- If user goes to a page that requires login, once logged in, user is redirected to the original page they were going to instead of being directed to the dashboard.
Other Changes
- UI updates to newsletter subscription page and pagination.
- Collections Care Notices content updates.
- Added option to search Project in the Projects Board by description.
- In the Projects Board, added a link to the Project creator’s Public page from the project.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug with the reCAPTCHA not working properly.
- Fixed bug where users were not getting invite emails.