
Persistent Identifiers for Projects Community Dialogue Workshop

The Local Contexts team recently joined a community dialogue session hosted by DataCite in partnership with Metadata Game Changers. This session engaged participants from the Life Sciences and Astronomy communities to co-develop metadata enhancements that support the development and use of persistent identifiers (PIDs) for instruments and projects.

The dialogue focused on a range of community-developed project metadata schemas, including RAiD, Local Contexts, Citizen Science, and DataCite. Key topics discussed included:

  • Contributors and creators
  • Spatial and temporal coverage
  • Rights, access, and traditional knowledge
  • Funder and grant metadata
  • Connections to project outputs

These discussions are part of the first phase of a larger project recently launched by DataCite. Feedback and proposed metadata enhancements gathered during the session will directly inform future prototype developments designed by DataCite.

Facilitators included:

  • Erin Robinson (Metadata Game Changers)
  • Ted Habermann (Metadata Game Changers)
  • Jamaica Jones (University of Pittsburgh)