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Notices in use: “Green Ribbon and Blue Ribbon Stories” publication

Leann Wilson (Bidjara/Kara-Kara and South Sea Islander) and Rose Barrowcliffe (Butchulla) wrote “Green Ribbon and Blue Ribbon Stories: Applying a Bidjara Way of Knowing to Understanding Records,” published earlier this month in Archives & Manuscripts, the journal of the Australian Society of Archivists.

The article explains:

“The TK Notice for this journal article indicates that there is Indigenous knowledge in the article that will continue to carry moral obligations long after the copyright and CC licensing expire… Specifically, the use of the TK Notice in this article demonstrates the ability for researchers to make public disclosures about Indigenous knowledge that informs their research.”

The article introduces a conceptual framework based on Bidjara green ribbon and blue ribbon stories to interpret archival records, and also discusses Indigenous cultural authority and sovereignty in research and publications.

Read the article here.