Hub Changelog (Archive)

This page is an archive for the Hub Changelog. To view the current Changelog, click here.
December 2023 Updates
Major Update
On January 17, 2024 (US Pacific Time), the Local Contexts Hub will have scheduled service that could put it into maintenance mode for an extended time. Read the latest post on the update here. If you encounter any issues, please let us know at support@localcontexts.org.
November 2023 Updates
Important Changes
- Test Hub and API URL changed from anth-ja77-lc-dev-42d5.uc.r.appspot.com to sandbox.localcontextshub.org.
- The URLs for the
fields have changed in the API for the Notice and Label objects.
October 2023 Updates
Major Update
On November 7th, 2023 (US Pacific Time), the Local Contexts Test Hub will only be accessible via the new URL: sandbox.localcontextshub.org. Read the latest post on the changes here. If you encounter any issues, please let us know at support@localcontexts.org.
September 2023 Updates
Other Changes
- Content update to institution preparation step.
- Projects on the Projects Board are now searchable by description.
Bug Fixes
- Bug fix and validation added to prevent multiple Invite User to Hub form submissions.
August 2023 Updates
Important Changes
- Public account pages updated to show projects where an account is a contributor instead of just projects owned by that account.
- Projects board added (for more information, visit our blog post)
- Notice translations added to the Project workflow (for more information, visit our blog post)
Other Changes
- Collections Care policy upload limited to PDF, DOC, DOCX file types.
- Tooltip added to Label language fields.
- Open to Collaborate Notice filter added to the Registry.
- Added the option to remove your account as a contributor on a Project (as long as you are not the creator of the Project).
- “Local Contexts Registry” menu item renamed to “Registry” and “My Profile” renamed to “Profile” for consistency.
- Added help hints for “Project comments” and “Project activity” sections.
- Updated Community entity and Project visibility help hint language for consistency.
- Content updates to downloadable template letter for Communities in the registration process.
- Updated content on the Newsletter sign-up page.
- Added notifications for when a Label is approved/not approved and added a delete button to user notifications.
- Notice page content updates.
- Collections Care download zip file updated with QR codes and PDFs.
- Added alt text to all the CC Notice icons for accessibility
- Updated Engagement Notice zip file download process to match CC Notice process
- Added a New Researcher email with a survey (sent when a new Researcher joins the Hub).
Bug Fixes
- Labels bug fixed so the Labels cannot be approved by the last user that edited them.
- Fixed bug where Researcher location was not displaying on public pages.
- Fixed bug preventing certain Label customizations to not submit.
July 2023 Updates
Important Changes
- Collections Care Notices modal added under the Notices tab for Institution and Researcher accounts.
Other Changes
- Content updated in the Engagement and Disclosure Notice README files.
- Label language and translation validation added.
- UI update for Label audio file upload/removal.
- Added OTC Notice to Institution and Researcher accounts in the Registry that have added OTC links.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug for account image uploads.
June 2023 Updates
Important Changes
- Create Institution page now linked to ROR API. User input shows a list of most relevant institution suggestions and, once clicked, the
Town or City
,State, Provinence, or Region
, and theCountry
fields are automatically populated based on ROR.- ROR institutions cannot have their locations changed in account settings.
- Institution form for non-ROR institutions moved to separate page. UI for link updated to be more prominent on the main Create Institution page.
Other Changes
- Sample confirmation letter download has been added to the Preparation Step page of Creating a Community.
- Sample support letter download has been added to the Preparation Step page of Creating an Institution.
- Added file validation for uploading support documents to only accept .pdf, .doc, .docx files.
- Confirmation step now checks for either a contact email OR an uploaded letter before moving on.
- Updated Connect Related Projects modal so the Connect Projects button is disabled until at least one Project is selected.
- Added original Label language information on the View and Edit Label pages.
- Added a user notification when a user is removed as a member from an account.
- UI update for institution/community/researcher image uploads. Users can now preview their images and clear them.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where some projects were unable to be viewed due to missing Project Creator.
- Fixed errors in the title filtering/search of the Project List on the API.
- For Label creation when setting a language, the drop-down list will now show accented/macron characters when unaccented characters are typed in.
May 2023 Updates
Important Changes
- Editing a Project will no longer redirect to the Projects page, instead it will redirect back to the Project’s Action page.
Other Changes
- Social media buttons have now been added to the Share portion of the View Projects / Project Actions page.
- Some UI updates on the invitations page for when a user is invited to join an account.
Bug Fixes
- Project Contributors were not able to remove communities and researchers from Project contributors.
- Registry list is now alphabetized and search now searches across all account types and takes into account names with accents.
April 2023 Updates
Major Update
On April 10, 2023 (US Pacific Time), the Local Contexts Hub received two new features: Sub and Related Projects. Read the latest post on the changes here. If you encounter any issues, please let us know at support@localcontexts.org.
Important Changes
- API Updated (for more information, visit the API Guide)
- Related Project
added to Project Detail API. - Sub Project
added to the Project Detail API. - API call added: filter by Provider ID in institution search.
- Related Project
- Sub Projects
- Sub projects on actions page now appear as linked titles.
- Editors and admins of community and institution accounts can create sub projects.
- Sub Projects section moved on the Project Action page to be by Related Projects.
- Related Projects
- Related projects can be created or connected as well as disconnected. These actions also create new Project activity on each action.
- Archived Projects will now appear in the Connect Related Projects list.
- Newsletter subscription, un-subscription, and preferences updates (available via production Hub only).
- Project Overview page — Projects now in a table and pagination UI has been updated.
- Projects can no longer be downloaded on the test/sandbox site. If a user hits the URL directly, it will redirect to a
403: Forbidden
. - Unconfirmed communities and institutions on the main site will no longer be able to download Projects. The button will be disabled and if they try to hit the URL directly it will redirect to
403: Forbidden
. - Unconfirmed communities can no longer download Labels and Label download has been disabled for the sandbox site.
- Unconfirmed institutions can no longer download the OTC Notice and OTC Notice download has been disabled for the sandbox site.
Other Changes
- Some stylistic updates to all modals for consistency.
- Project View Page now has a copy button for project URL.
- Updated the API Documentation
- Added call example for institutions/providers_id, sub and related Projects and updated the OTC call with the URL to Usage Guides.
- Added active implementations of our API to the documentation.
- Public account pages in the registry and connections pages: list of projects now in a table.
- Share Project modal on the View Project/Project Actions page added.
- Labels now group by Community on the View Project/Project Action Page
- Content updates to the registration process for account response time limits.
- Usage guides updated from PDF to URL in Project and Label Downloads, Notices, and API.
Bug Fixes
- Adding a contributor as a researcher was throwing a
500 error
. - Opening some projects without a source
was throwing a500 error
. - If a source Project is deleted, its sub projects still retained the
as their source project uuid. - If user enters wrong or malformed
on the API Project Detail call, will redirect to a404 Not Found
instead of500 Server Error
. - Private Projects can no longer be seen by other users.
March 2023 Updates
Other Changes
- New email templates added.
- Copy ID button for Project ID on Project Action page.
- Project sorting on Projects pages changed to a dropdown and added sorting by Title A-Z.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Communities that created a Project were not able to apply Labels to their own Projects.
- Fixed a bug that showed a 404 error on Project view.
- Bug fixed where emails were not being sent out during certain Actions where they were supposed to (adding/removing contributors, member join requests, member invites, etc.)
February 2023 Updates
Major Update
On February 1, 2023 (US Pacific Time), the Local Contexts Hub received a major update to the Project workflow. Read the latest post on the changes here. If you encounter any issues, please let us know at support@localcontexts.org.
Important Changes
- Contributing communities can only apply Labels to a Project if they are notified of it first.
- Public Projects have a “View As” card, where only contributors can view the Project action page as one of their contributing accounts and a public view.
- Added and updated in various locations around the hub the Privacy Policy link and disclaimers:
- Added privacy policy link to the registration page.
- Added disclaimers to account creation: institution, community.
- Added disclaimers to settings in profile and all accounts, as well as create-profile and Project comments.
- Added a tooltip with a disclaimer to the customize Label page next to the Label text.
- Content updates to apply Labels tooltip and adding disclaimer to join request popups
Other Changes
- Styled email templates for all outgoing emails.
- Notify Communities popup content update.
- Project action page misc content updates.
- Content update for different Contributor Views
- Copyright in footer set to dynamically change every year without having to manually change it.
- Adjusted the footer: it would jump up the page when there wasn’t enough content to fill the page, will now stay on the bottom regardless of content.
January 2023 Updates
Important Changes
- Add placeholder content to account public pages in place of the Contact Us button — for unauthenticated users, it will say
Login to contact
and for members of accounts, it will sayYou are a member of this account
. - Link communities to public account pages in project action when a project has Labels, meaning when a Label is applied to a Project by a community the
shared by {community name}
is now a link to the public account page for those communities. - Adding a Project message now creates an action notification to the relevant accounts.
- The content for the Project message notification was updated from the generic ‘Project has a new message’, which now includes a truncated title of the Project.
- Added Project creator name to “creator” in Project Actions so it now displays
Created — Creator Name | Account
. - Added names to the Project activity of who did the action.
- Hyperlinked contributors and notified communities to public pages on the Project Action page.
- Added members’ emails to members’ cards that only admins can see.
- Make non-community-created Projects, where the community has added a Label, appear on the community public page.
- Set up backend to delete instances of project archive on project deletion.
- Adjust public project view to exclude actions besides Share and Download.
Other Changes
- Misc content and UI updates for the Project Actions page and Community Notes.
- Project activity was not working right for Labels being added and removed.
- Member request cards and member invites now have the user’s email visible to only admins of an account.
- Project messages: changed to Project comments.
- Change
tocontributor view
in places where it wasn’t changed yet. - Adjust Project activity when Labels have already been applied to not display ‘Notices have been removed’ as more Labels are added/removed.
- Added terms and conditions to the registration page.
Bug Fixes
- Welcome to the Hub email had a login URL that was not working properly.
- Project comments were not showing up on the Project Action page for communities.
- In the contributor view of a Project, the Download and Share buttons were not displaying, this has been fixed.
December 2022 Updates
Important Changes
- Updated the “request to join” functionality so that it is consistent across the site.
- Added record of activity around a Project.
- Projects can now be archived by each account, archived projects are excluded from the ‘Sort by’ links in Projects and they can also be unarchived.
- Added Project deletion functionality for Projects with no Labels.
- Share button auto copies the Project link to the clipboard, appears only on public projects, and lets you know that the project link is copied.
- On the Project Overview cards, functionality set up for the ellipsis menu.
- Notify communities is now a modal and communities are filtered out by: in alphabetical order, approved communities only that are not the creator of the project and do not appear when they have already been notified / already has a status associated with it.
Other Changes
- Content update on the edit Project page.
- Project actions page: made sections collapsible.
- Open to Collaborate links can now be deleted by researchers and admins/editors of an institution
- Open to Collaborate add a link process now disallows duplicate links.
- API Guide added to API Documentation in GitHub.
- External Project links now open in a new page.
- Added affiliations to Project messages.
- Page optimizations to make sure the page is not slow to load.
Bug Fixes
- Notify communities popup was not showing for researchers.
- Researchers notifying communities was redirecting to the projects overview page instead of project actions.
- Fixed the way Notices were being added/removed on Project edit.
- Disabled submit button during the registration process to prevent registration from being submitted twice.
- Fixed search bar for researchers in the registry.
- Project URLs for Connections were not working properly with pagination, they now redirect to the Project actions page.
- Projects that had Labels applied to them could still get Notices applied on edit which was making a mix of Notices and Labels appear around the Hub and in API.
- Updated the Registration process to make sure the same email is not used twice.
- Fixed a 500 error in the project view for an unauthenticated user in the researcher project actions page.
- Fixed a 500 error happening in project view for projects that do not exist — will now redirect to 404 instead.
- Adjusted tooltips on the action page so they don’t push the page to the right.
- Making sure the right researcher can look at the right project action page (permissions).
November 2022 Updates
Other Changes
- Ability to add and remove multiple external links to a Project.
- Project-related notifications will take the user to the Project action page.
- Related Projects in Connections will take the user to the Project actions page.
- Set up Project statuses for communities and adjusted content.
- Added functionality to remove non-hub project people in Create and Edit Project.
- On the Projects pages, if there are no Projects, the text will display saying “No Projects currently created”.
- On the Connections pages, added a View public page button for each account.
Bug Fixes
- Long Project links were coming off the Project View page.
- API: Multi-project search was returning multiples of the same Project.
October 2022 Updates
Important Changes
- All account types can now add all other account types to their Project as contributors.
- Search bars added to Project and Registry pages
- Projects can be searched by title, description, provider’s id, and unique id.
- Each account in the Registry can be searched by name.
- When creating a Researcher account, description is now mandatory to prevent empty Researcher accounts being created.
- Project creator can edit their Project after Label application and a notification will be sent to let contributors know.
Other Changes
- Project pages now display 10 projects instead of 5.
- Misc content updates to the following pages: Create a Project, Notices, Registration, View Project, Apply Labels, Project Overview, and Connections
- API can now be searched by multiple
s. - Connections pages now display all account types.
- Removed Project Request and Project Decision sections in Project overview for community-created Projects.
Bug Fixes
- Contributors were not being removed in ‘Create Project’ and ‘Edit Project’.
- Misc buttons disabled to prevent duplicate actions.
- Submit button on ‘Create Project’ page;
- Contact button on ‘Public Account’ pages in the Registry;
- Save buttons on ‘Customize/Edit Label’ and ‘Apply Label’ pages
- Notifications cleanup: Projects on delete will now also remove the relevant notifications.
- Bug fixed where “Notify Communities” button disappeared from researcher and institution accounts.
- On Label and Project downloads, PDF was not displaying macron letters and other alphabets (cyrillic, arabic, etc).
September 2022 Updates
Important Changes
- Propose an Edit added to the Label workflow.
- Label name now customizable on Label creation.
- Test hub link added to the login page.
- Added Account and User ID to institution/community/researcher and user profile settings.
- Communities can now add a note on Label application (visible by community members only).
- ‘Propose an edit’ to Label button will now appear for admins and editors of the Label not just the creators of the Label.
- Added a new Project status ‘Labels Applied’, which will be set automatically when a community applies a Label to a Project.
Other Changes
- Added pagination to Project pages.
- In ‘Create Profile’, the affiliation text section character limit was changed to 250.
- API UI edits to match branding.
- In View Profile, hide Project Notices headline when there are Labels applied.
- For Project type ‘Other’, make sure everywhere the project appears the Other Type appears also.
- Fixed spacing in ‘Apply Labels’ on the Project card and on the ‘Customize Label’ page.
- Misc cleanup in templates and UI adjustments.
- Added a character counter to ‘Create Institution’, ‘Create Community’, and ‘Connect Researcher description text fields.
Bug Fixes
- Bug fixed to prevent multiple join requests from public pages.
- Bug fixed where ‘Notify Community’ was sending empty messages.
- Test Hub yellow top banner adjusted to no longer cover the header.
- Bug fixed where Projects were not linked on the Community Public Pages.
- Bug fixed for Connections – Researchers were showing up with no related Projects and some connections were not showing at all.
August 2022 Updates
Other Changes
- Added OTC Notice URLs to Public Institution and Researcher pages.
- Added Project page URL to Project overview on download.
- Fixed images that were displaying with incorrect transparent sections.
Bug Fixes
- Bug fixed in API where a call was not displaying Labels.
July 2022 Updates
Important Changes
- Users can now delete account invitations.
- Attribution Incomplete Notice now available for Researchers in ‘Create Project’ and ‘Notices’ pages.
- Account contact info in the confirmation step of the registration process is now referenced as ‘confirmation contact’. In Connections, the account creator’s info is now displayed instead of the confirmation contact so that now all the communications about the account will go to the account creator.
- Recommended Citation field removed from Projects.
- Community editors and admins can see the ‘Review for Approval’ button on the ‘View Label’ page.
- Public view for all account types added to the Registry.
- Removed Contact and Join buttons from account public pages if user is already a member of the account or the account creator
- API variables updated in Overview and other calls:
- Notices:
changed toresearcher
changed toinstitution
- Removed the
fields for Notices and instead added a created field to the project that specifies which account created the Project
- Label Translation:
changed totranslated_name
changed totranslated_text
- TK and BC Labels: changed from
- Project Detail:
- Added which account created the Project
- Added Project Page URL
changed tocreated_by
- Projects by User: Changed from username to user ID
- Notices:
Other Changes
- Content updates for ‘Notices’, ‘Projects’ and ‘Create Project’ pages.
- Registry pagination moved to the bottom of the page and UI updated.
- Add
field to community API calls for future GIS integration. - Open to Collaborate Notice added to the API.
- UI fix in ‘View Label’ when many Labels are customized, small Labels were coming off the card.
- Update privacy policy and data sovereignty URLs from the PDF files to the corresponding localcontexts.org pages.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug in API where Projects by Institutions and Researchers was not fetching.
- Fixed bug where the Label note text box was not appearing when a Label was unapproved.
- Line breaks added to Project description in ‘View Project’ and ‘Projects’ page.
- If a user does not add a first and last name, will show their username instead (was showing up as a blank).
- In View Label, approved Labels were appearing as not approved.
- Prevent empty URL submit for Open to Collaborate Notice URLs.
- Fixed where Community Viewers could not see/open the Label info for Labels.
- Bug fixed preventing Label application in Projects.
June 2022 Updates
Important Changes
- Adding pagination to the Registry.
Other Changes
- Restructured accounts to have Projects load faster.
- Added Linktree links to the footer of the site.
- Notices tab is now first for Researchers and Institutions, Labels is now first for Communities.
- In create project, moved Project type into Project details and added a tooltip.
Bug Fixes
- Updated the way account types are filtered in the Registry.
May 2022 Updates
Important Changes
- Community/Labels page:
- Added a View Label page which shows the Projects each of the Labels has been applied to.
- Updated the UI for the customized Labels.
- Account Members pages:
- Managing outgoing Member Invitations: they are now sent to the Members & Requests page (previously in the user profile).
- Managing incoming Member Invitations: user clicking on the invitation notification is taken to a page where invitations can be accepted.
- Now any admin of an account can remove a member, change their role or respond to Join Requests (previously only the account creator could do this).
- UI updates:
- Connections page for each account.
- User Profile: user notifications — made more visible and consistent with the notifications for other accounts.
- Registration process: added a ‘skip for now’ link on the Join Community/Institution page which takes the user to their dashboard, if they don’t want to connect to another account just yet.
- Notices:
- Moved Open to Collaboration Notice to the top in Notices.
- Removed this Notice from the `create project` process and API.
- Adjusted the API Documentation to reflect this change.
- Registry:
- Researchers can now be contacted same as other accounts using their contact email from settings. In order for the Contact button to appear, Researcher must first set their contact email to Public in settings.
- Added a timed disabling of the join request button to prevent from sending multiple requests at once.
Other Changes
- In create institution: alphabetized the list of Institution Types
Bug Fixes
- Updated the restricted view pages, where a user tries to go to a URL they should not have access to
- Researcher connection page was throwing an error to unauthenticated users instead of redirecting them. Will now redirect to login instead.
- Fixed a non-specific error that was happening during registration/confirming an institution
April 2022 Updates
Important Changes
- ORCiD can now be connected/disconnected in Researcher Settings after connecting a Researcher account.
- Preparation step added to the registration process.
- Users can now leave a Community or Institution account if they are not creators of it.
- Main admin of an account can now change roles for members in the Members tab in Community or Institution accounts.
Other Changes
- Added language and language tags to Labels on customization and API call.
- Added language suggestions to Label translations for when a new Label is customized or edited.
- If a user does not supply a first and last name, their username is shown instead.
- General UI updates.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed user notifications bug when someone was invited to join a community or institution.
- Optimization added for page load speed.
- Fixed API issue that prevented the API from being accessed by some browsers.
March 2022 Updates
Important Changes
- SVGs for Notice and Label Icons added to API, Project download, and Community Labels download.
- Users can now contact Institution or Community administrators in the Registry without having to join the account.
- API Updates:
- Project List:
- Added
, andproject_privacy
fields to Project List response. - Added search query filtering for Projects using
, andtitle
. - Pagination added to Project List; can filter by
- Added
- Project Detail: Added
- Project List:
Other Changes
- Added link to Privacy Policy in “Create Community” step.
- Hub users added as contributors on a Project now get an in-Hub notification and an email.
- Non-Hub users added as contributors on a Project receive an email notification with a link to register for the Hub.
- If a Label has an audiofile, the audio will show anywhere the Label is shown along with its title and text.
- The Project Overview PDF on download will now display all the information about the Project.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed 500 error shown when users were trying to access Public or Discoverable Projects created by Researchers.
- Fixed links to register or login for some of the notification emails.
- Fixed bug where Institution Notices were not appearing on the apply-labels page.
- Fixed bug where trying to query an incorrect
was throwing a 500 error. Now will show 404 error. - Fixed error appearing when users were trying to join a Community or Institution.
- Fixed 500 error when a Researcher tried to add a comment to a Project.
February 2022 Updates
Important Changes
- Multiple Label translations and audio files can now be added on Label customization and editing.
- Discoverable Project page view added.
Other Changes
- Projects can now be filtered by Notice or Label.
- Researchers have been added to the Registry but can only be seen when a user is logged in.
- Project download moved to View Project page.
- On the Researcher registry pages, ORCiD visibility added and username displayed if full name not entered.
- Added SVGs to Labels and API call.
- UI updates and page speed optimizations.
Bug Fixes
- When a Project is created, the Submit button is temporarily disabled on click to avoid creating duplicate Projects.